Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And finally we have our Thursday

Our last post was over two months ago. The reason, no news. Today we finally got some news, and we will be progressing again. We received notice that our homestudy agency has been removed from the black list in Russia. So all of our documents that we have been waiting to get redone are good again. We still have to have things re-notarized, because we opted not to pay the extra $150 to have them sent back from Russia because we thought they wouldn't be any good anyway. Then it is off to Baton Rouge for the new apostille. This time I will make sure it is on SQUARE paper. From there, back to Dallas and then on to Russia. Hopefully since the documents will be the same, translation won't have to be redone. The maybe, just maybe, we will get registered.

So, what does it mean when we are registered? Well, then the real wait begins. Once we are registered in our region in far east Russia, we wait to be notified that we have been referred a child, or children. Then we get to make our first of two or three trips.

I thank you all for all of the words of encouragement that you have offered over these months. We have started and scrapped several blog posts, just because they couldn't be shared yet. We were really comforted around Easter. We were able to hear clearly from God, that even when is Son was on the cross, He was not abandoned, and God has not abandoned our children either. Our prayer remains that God will continue to hold our children, so that when we meet them they will recognize Him. Don't ever hesitate to ask us how the process is going. You may not get a great response some days, but we know that you want only the best for us too, and for that we are greatly appreciative.

Keep on praying, and hopefully we will have lots of updates soon.

Bryan and Leigh